Introduction Self-hosting your own Discord bot is an excellent way to have full control over ownership, commands, privacy, and function in your servers. Self-moderation, fun commands, or listening parties can be possible without having to invite an existing, third-party bot on your server, and although you could certainly run it on your own machine you’re at the mercy of power & ISP outages or having to leave your computer on for your friends that have late night voice chat hangouts during prime sleeping hours.
Introduction LVM, Logical Volume Management, is a versatile option to stripe file systems across multiple logical volumes. This concept pairs perfectly with a cloud ecosystem such as AWS where you can freely provision more disk space on-demand. Other primary advantages of utilizing LVM in your environment is flexibility and direct control of your data at the block device level, dynamically scale up or down volume sizes as requirements change, and you can assign meaningful names for readability.
Kubernetes Action Runner I’ve created a Python module leveraging the Asyncio Kubernetes Client to automate Kubernetes tasks triggered by GitHub Actions. It’s designed to run within a self-hosted GitHub runner managed by Actions Runner Controller (ARC) inside your Kubernetes cluster. The need for this originated from a previous role where we had to create a resource that ran inside our clusters to simulate app performance as part of our CICD pipelines.